Nina Walker, Catering Development Manager at Admiral Taverns has over 30 years of experience in the industry commented: “There is no doubt BBQ’s are extremely popular across the UK and when planning a BBQ, my top tips are to make sure there is something for everyone and be adventurous – go beyond the classic sausage! There are so many options out there – licensees could even look at working with local butchers to see if they could produce a signature flavour for the pub or speak to local musicians to see if they’d be interested in playing to give the event an upbeat atmosphere.”
So what does going beyond the classic sausage look like? You could go for a twist on a classic. For example Big Als have a great recipe for a MEX-I-CAN BURGER or how about trying the crispy BBQ salmon recipe from Bidfood.
But its not just about burgers and sausages. How about pizza or smoked meats. DeliVita have released their Pro oven, which is handcrafted in Yorkshire and features a traditional clay base, hi-tech insulation, brushed marine stainless steel, polished fibreglass shell and new chimney design means that it reaches and, importantly, retains its heat really effectively. The DeliVita Pro, thanks to its cool to touch exterior, is designed to be a table top oven.
Joe Formisano, founder of DeliVita, said: “The feedback we receive the most often, mostly from professional chefs, is ‘I wish it was bigger’. We took this as a challenge and we have spent the last 12 months perfecting the dimensions and testing the ergonomics of the larger fibreglass dome. We took a real leap in terms of functionality and introduced a dual-fuel option. We’re still very much committed to our authentic wood-fired oven but dual-fuel enhances its usability particularly in the hospitality sector.”